

U.S. Risk Financial offers outsourced insurance tracking for banks, lenders, and loan servicers.

  • Used when the lender becomes aware of insurance lapses on an active mortgage loan
  • Master policy program covers most collateral types
  • Automatic Coverage available on eligible properties
  • Insurance limits, coverages, and deductibles tailored to client needs
  • A+ rated insurance carriers
  • Competitive insurance rates and comprehensive coverages
  • Coverage also available for equipment (misc. types), aircraft, yachts, wheeled equipment, high risk or unusual exposures (high values, pollution, cyber)
  • Used after a borrower’s real property is acquired through foreclosure
  • Insurance correspondence managed by our service center
  • Document imaging and storage with access via portal
  • Toll-free number for borrower and agent inquiries
  • Deficiency verification to your loan requirements
  • Multi-collateral insurance tracking
  • Borrower contact through regulatory compliant and client approved notices
  • Client has secure access to insurance information and call notes
  • Management reports customized to client needs
  • Billing options available
  • SSAE audits performed annually
  • Extensive experience with flood insurance programs
  • Experienced, well-trained insurance staff
  • On-demand online insurance placement and cancellation
  • Blanket Hazard insurance programs
  • Second mortgage, LOC, HELOC coverage
  • Excess flood insurance program
  • Escrow loan processing and reports

Aaron Cardwell
Program Manager, U.S. Risk Financial
(469) 983-7104 | Send a Secure Email

Tim Bennett | (440) 455-3881 | Send a Secure Email
Beth Boisseau-Coots | (469) 983-7115 | Send a Secure Email
Pam Schultz | (469) 983-7223 | Send a Secure Email